Posted by Admin on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 in
The following set of Rules must regulate standing on the RFOlympic server. Ignorance of the present Rules, as well as other conditions and establishments, operating on the basis appropriate decision of the Administration, does not exempt from responsibility for their infringement. When you registering account on server, You automatically agree to the Rules and other directions.

Notices: This Server uses a 3 strike rule: 1st time: 72 hour ban, 2nd: 120 hour ban, 3rd: permanent ban.

All normal players Must follow these rules while playing on the Rising Force Online server.

1. A player must not in any way try to harm the server, or ask anyone else to do so. Doing this will result in an instant and PERMANENT HARDWARE BAN.

2. A player must not abuse a bug. This includes the Soccer ball bug, Terrain bugs... and ANY undiscovered bug. If a player encounters a bug, they should rather report it than abusing it. PUNISHMENT: PERMANENT ACCOUNT BAN.

3. Hacking and cheating is strictly prohibited (speed hacking, flyhacking and damage hacking). Any kind of program that modifies the normal way of gameplay is considered a hack. This includes bots. PUNISHMENT: PERMANENT HARDWARE BAN.

A. NO 3rd Party programs of ANY TYPE are allowed.

4. A player must respect game masters. A game master is as polite to the player, as the player is to the game master. The GM can decide what to do if a player is offensive to them.

5. All players should stay as polite as possible. Insulting other players is not allowed, and immature language will also be taken actions against. Punishment: 24 HOUR CHAT BAN.

6. Char names. NO special characters/alt codes in your character name. Punishment: PERMANENT ACCOUNT BAN.

B. Do NOT make intentionally confusing names.
C. No gibberish names. ex: dafdkaw23212

7. Spawn Zones: Outcast land, Beast Mountain, Sette Portal, Cartella Lab, Elven Land, Cauldron Volcano Area. If that isn't clear enough for you, that means: ANY MAP WHICH CAUSES YOU TO LOAD INTO AN AREA. Camping PB spawn Points is also prohibited. PUNISHMENT: 3 STRIKE RULE.



C. Once you're fully loaded immediately exit the spawn zone.

D. If a player retreats into the spawn zone, you can pursue and attack them.

E. If a player loads into a spawn zone, moves around then idles there, you can attack them AFTER 30 seconds have passed.

F. THE SPAWN ZONE IS NOT A SAFE ZONE, so don't treat it like one. IF you escape into a spawn zone, you can still be killed.

G. During a PB run, the no tower, "spawn killing" rule is suspended... ONLY during the duration of your time on the boss. As soon as the boss dies, get your loot, remove your towers and leave the area.

H. Once a player spawns in, GIVE THEM TIME TO MOVE AWAY from the spawn area (30 seconds) before attacking.

When reporting spawn killers, you must present clear video footage, from the time you click the destination scroll to your arrival. Screens will not be accepted under any circumstance.

8. NO Safe zone debuffing of any kind, De-buffing into or out of a safe zone as well as healing someone outside of one or sending a summon out while you remain inside the safe zone will result in a 48 to 72-hour ban on the first offense. The second time will result in a 144-hour ban or worse. If it happens more than twice, it's a permanent ban.

9. Do NOT NUKE in the core, it can result a 72 HOURS BAN

10. No real money trades at all.

11. Putting up guard towers at Port-In locations is NOT allowed;Abusing turret blind spots to attack or walk around them will be a 72-hour ban for the first offense or worse, and a permanent ban for anymore offenses;
Any misuse of a turret such as placing them at Port-In locations, placing them inside walls, or placing them inside the core after the HSK is up will result in a 72-hour ban or worse on the FIRST incident. Because of the high level of glitching recently, terrain exploiting to place a turret somewhere will likely result in a PERMANENT BAN;

12. Do NOT make any character with the words GM or [GM] in your name,This will give you a PERMANENT BAN

13. Do NOT attack/destroy city (map) guard towers, 72 HOURS BAN.

14. Do NOT Try Any kind of Dupe, or receive any item that has been Duped, This will give you a PERMANENT ban & hardware BAN.

(whats the meaning of dupe? R// Duping, practice of exploiting a bug in a video game to illegitimately create duplicates of unique items or currency. A player can get banned from the game if he/she is discovered to use duped items.)

15. Setting Traps in Port In locations will give you a 72 HOURS BAN, so do not try it

16. DO NOT Create any chars with offensive names.

17. Do NOT hide inside a parked MAU or park a MAU on top of a turret to prevent it or you from being attacked. PUNISHMENT: 3 STRIKE RULE.

18. English is to be spoken in ALL open chat channels (map, sell, buy, all and race chat). PUNISHMENT: A Warning. Subsequent violations will result in a chat ban followed by an account ban.

19. DO NOT HIDE INSIDE THE CONTROL CHIP. PUNISHMENT: You will be warned. Each time after you will be kicked from the game.

20. NO Racist vocabulary (Nigger, Kike, Jap, Chink, Frog so on..)... NO "Fag", "Faggot", "That's gay!" or using gay as an insult.

You will now be banned on the first offense.

21. Do not make ANY accusations about GMs. If you have a problem with a certain GM, pm another GM.

A. If you don't see a GM next to the name, it's not a GM, so don't make any accusations.

New! 22. Killing a System Tower at Crag Mine is FORBIDDEN.

23. Illegal Items: Because we've been telling people for weeks to dispose of the items, you will no longer be given a chance to dispose of it when caught.

The following items are illegal:

+6 Intense Grace and Darkness Gloves.
+6 Intense Mercy Boots.
+6 Strong Superior Armor.
+6 Normal Mercy, Grace, Darkness and Wisdom armour.

if you're attempting an upgrade to +6 make sure you have hypercam running before starting your client. also, make sure your desktop is clearly shown, along with the taskbar and taskmanager (showing your running processes). the video should show the game starting all the way to the finished upgrade.

Overperfect Elementals: The following are illegal





You need to show EVERY stage of the upgrade: From perfect elemental > H1 > H2 or H11 >H12 and so on.

Special areas:

Elan: SEE POST #3

Outcast land: ALL Traps go behind the flags.

Spawn Trapping: Punishment Change.

1st strike: 120 hour ban
2nd strike 168 hour ban
3rd strike Permanent ban

Running for council in a race you're not active in:
We will now ban you for running for a council spot in a race you're not active in.

To Run:

A. You must be active for 5 or more days.
B. If you're active for those 5 days, contribute. Just being online those days isn't enough.
C. You need to be active the week before you decide to run.

To show we're not playing around, you will be permanently banned on first strike*.

*not set in stone.

We reserve the right to change ANY rule at ANY time without consent or notice.

System Towers:

A. Only used to prevent or remove a level 3 stigma.
B. Do not attack the towers.
C. Stay away from the chip where towers are deployed.

EDIT: Removed "C"

EDIT 2: Reinstated "C" because people were attacking the towers. So just stay away from the chip where towers are deployed.

Traps/Towers in Elan:

Since people are not following the simple red-zone trapping rule, you're no longer allowed to set towers or traps within the main Elan area. Traps and towers should only be set STARTING at the scud area.


Due to the amount of scams we have decided to forbide race trades, any thread in the forum regarding this will be deleted and the user will receive a 3 day forum ban.

Asking for a race trade ingame will result in a permaban for all characters involved in the transaction, including those who could be helping with the trade.

RF Olympic Staff
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